Studio More + Reed Words
Mike Reed:

A self-interested post, but we’re very proud of this work with Studio More on the rebrand of sustainable skincare startup UpCircle. The previous name, Optiat (One Person’s Trash Is Another’s Treasure), was a bit opaque (and sounded like eye care). UpCircle points directly to the brand’s mission to ‘upcycle’ discarded ingredients like coffee grounds into skincare products. Allied to a beautiful identity by Studio More, the name completes a rebrand that speaks of both luxury and sustainability.

Rob Duncan:

Manual have created the identity for Supersonic aircraft ‘Boom’, the dream job of many a designer! The logo is a beautiful modernist interpretation of wings worn by pilots, a bird in motion, acceleration! A perfect solution, fantastic photography, renderings and typography. Beautifully crafted and lovely yellow detailing derived from the Peregrine Falcon.

Australian National Maritime Museum
Jamie Ellul:

Frost’s rebrand of the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney is one of those ‘wish I’d done that’ solutions. Playfully putting the word SEA at the heart of the name and pairing it with a colour palette that’s inspired by the Australian coast. Everything about this project is thoughtfully executed.

Bob Young:

DIA has created a new visual identity for Squarespace influenced by New York City. The city is the birthplace of the brand and a big part of their heritage. DIA has broken down and combined elements of NYC’s architecture and attitude to create a distinctive kinetic look and feel. DIA also collaborated with Optimo Foundry to create Clackson, a custom typeface designed specifically for Squarespace.

Goulburn Regional Art Gallery
Rob Duncan:

Garbett have produced a lovely responsive identity for Goulburn Regional Art Gallery in Australia. The logo is particularly beautiful and works so well at a variety of sizes. The repetition of form in the symbol is meant to reflect the tilled soil, wool and mark-making found in Australian Art.

Manchester Literature Festival 2018
Jamie Ellul:

Every year MARK tackle the visual identity for Manchester Literature Festival (MLF) – and every time they do something clever and appropriate. MLF is one of the biggest and best urban literature festivals in the UK; a showcase of the very best in contemporary writing from across the world. And this year (the 11th year, no mean feat in itself) MARK have surpassed themselves with a visual identity based around the visual distortions of book edges. A simple idea but one that has infinite legs.

Australian Film Television and Radio School
Shane Keane:

M35’s branding for Australian Film Television and Radio School conveys a beautiful sense of movement with the simplest graphic touch. The concept visually references a timeline—a device used both for vision and sound editing. A deft use of typography allows the ‘timeline’ effect to work wonderfully across all the branded materials from print through to web—and it looks lovely in motion, too.

Ragged Edge
Jamie Ellul:

Most hotels want you to spend time in them. But when you’re in the heart of the city, why stay cooped up in your room? Branded by Ragged Edge – Assembly is a new hotel brand that encourages its guests to get up and go. It’s all held together with an eclectic bespoke typeface, but the real difference is the copy – telling people not to stay in your hotel, but to get out and explore instead is fresh and ballsy. Love it.